Rhinoplasty - All You Need To Know

Rhinoplasty - All You Need To Know

If not for a friend or colleague, you must have definitely heard of celebrities getting a nose job!
But if it’s you who’s planning to get it done, make sure you know all about it!

In this blog, I will tell you all about rhinoplasty, aka - the “nose job”, its associated risks and benefits, the do’s and don’ts, etc. All in all, everything that you need to know!

So, read on!

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, popularly known as a ‘nose job’ is a surgery that can change the size, shape and proportions of the nose. It’s a cosmetic procedure that is either done to improve the appearance or functionality of the nose or both. 

Basically there can be two purposes:

  • Aesthetic
    Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures that millions of people undergo to enhance their facial features and self-confidence. It addresses concerns like a large or crooked nose, a nasal hump, a droopy or bulbous tip, and more.

  • Functionality
    It can also be done to fix issues from an injury, correct a deviated septum or improve some breathing problems. 

Types of Rhinoplasty 

There are two types of rhinoplasty - open and closed. The type you will undergo depends on your individual needs.

  • Open
    Open rhinoplasty involves making a small incision in the columella, the small strip of skin that separates the nostrils. This technique allows the surgeon to lift the skin and access the underlying bone and cartilage, giving them greater control over the shape and structure of the nose. The small incision typically heals very well with minimal scarring.

  • Closed
    Closed rhinoplasty is a procedure in which all incisions are made inside the nose where they are carefully hidden and result in no visible external scars. It is typically used for minor modifications to the nose.

Risks associated with Rhinoplasty

Below mentioned are some risks and potential complications. These may include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • A bad reaction to the anaesthesia
  • Permanent numbness in and around the nose
  • Poor outcome or unsatisfactory results
  • Pain, discoloration or swelling that may last
  • Scarring
  • A hole in the wall between the left and right nostrils. This condition is called septal perforation
  • A need for additional surgery
  • Change in the sense of smell
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Breathing difficulties

How to prep for the surgery

If you’ve decided to go for rhinoplasty, the first thing to do is look for a good surgeon!

Learn about the procedure, talk about things that determine whether the surgery will work well for you and clear all your doubts. 

Your surgeon will check your medical history, may conduct some tests, ask your expectations from the surgery and take photographs to showcase the before and after. 

Arrange your space and surroundings according to your comfort for a cosy recovery. Have a stock of all the necessary supplies!

Most importantly, follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully! 
To prepare for the anaesthesia, you will likely need to fast for several hours.

Pre-surgery stress?
Engage in lots of relaxing activities to calm any anxiety you may have. 

And not to forget - confirm your ride to and from the doctor’s office.

Never to forget 

In the month leading up to your rhinoplasty surgery, your doctor will likely advise you to refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol, or consuming caffeine. Avoid aspirin as well.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

The benefits of rhinoplasty are numerous and can vary depending on the individual patient. For some, the procedure may be performed to correct breathing problems, such as a deviated septum or narrow nasal passages. For others, it may be performed to improve the appearance of the nose, such as reducing the size or changing the shape.

Rhinoplasty can also be performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures, such as a facelift or chin augmentation, to achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.


In conclusion, rhinoplasty is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that can enhance the appearance and functionality of the nose. It is important to carefully consider your options and consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon before undergoing the procedure. With proper planning and care during the recovery period, many patients are able to achieve the desired results and enjoy improved self-confidence and quality of life.

